





  1. - 2006 HARLEY-DAVIDSON® FLTRI - Black Hills Harley-Davidson - 605-342-9362

    2006 Harley-Davidson® Road Glide®

    The Road Glide® is all the power and glory of the H-D® touring tradition taken down a different road. One look at this minimalist machine and you can’t resist the urge to log a few thousand adventures. The design is sleek, so the wind won’t hold you back. Frame-mounted wind-splitting fairing with silver-faced instrument cluster and twin headlights. Angled hardbags, a sculpted seat and slashing graphics complete the streamlined look.

Find Used 2006 HARLEY-DAVIDSON® FLTRI For Sale in Rapid City, South Dakota on the Black Hills Automall. There are currently 1 available to view.

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